Help with Turntable/arm/cart decision

Hello Audiogoners please help me with a NEW turntable purchase. System is McIntosh C2200 pre with MC352 amp. Speakers are Dynaudio Contour 3.0's. OK, looking for a complete new turntable with tonearm and a cartridge for under $5,000. So far I am looking at: Clearaudio Performance DC w/verify tonearm, Pro-Ject Xtension 10 w/10cc EVO arm. I would like to be able to use my MM phono input through the C2200, I would consider an external phono pre if needed. I really like MC carts over MM's not sure why.....maybe mc seems to me to be more accurate and dynamic?? Or maybe I haven't heard a great MM. Tables I have had in the past are....Thornes TD160 w/TP16 tonearm with Grado Prestige woodbody, I think. Also, Rega P3 w/RB301 tonearm and a Dynavector 10X5. Help, I want something up a level or 2 from these, if possible?
My priorities when ordering this was to simplify and enhance the quality of vinyl playback. Also, to bring up the level of the analogue source to be more in line with the other components in the system. More to come later.
Good plan, although for many of us, improving vinyl playback is anything but simple, lol.

Let us know how it goes!
Matt, I have heard the Pro-ject Xtension 10 and 12 turntables many times. I think they are great price performers and will be a very nice improvement over your current setup.

I would like to know your thoughts on your new v. old setup after you have time to let everything settle in.

Good Listening,

Jim Perry
I heard the Xtension 10 with a Shelter cart. at a guys house
and was very impressed with its performance on choral and chamber music .
TTW Audio is coming out with a new table soon for around $3500. I have one of his tables they are built like a truck and sound great