Bryston 4BSST or 6BST or 7BST

I am looking at various Bryston amplifiers for my system. On the used market I can get a 4BSST for around $2200, a 6BST for around $2900 and a pair of 7BSTs for around $2900. Which amp is better sounding and which is the better deal? I will likely upgrade a few years down the road so I am looking at resale value as well.

Any difference in sound quality between 6BST vs 6BSST?

I appreciate any comments.
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I compared the 4BST and the 4BSST and ended up purchasing the 4BSST because of the refinement in the top end. It simply sounded more natural to me
I personally preferred the SST series over the ST. Like others here I prefer the added smoothness and refinement and found them more neutral and less bright. But there are people who preferred the "hotter" balance of the ST series and found them to be more dynamic and involving.

I think the best thing to do is to compare an ST amp with their subsequent SST replacement. But of the amps you mentioned, there's no question to me that the 7BST will be the best amp. First of all, you won't find too many people who actually think the SST series to be a quantum leap in advancement. And second of all, the 7B will be much more dynamic and throw a much deeper and wider soundstage than both the 4B and the 6B regardless of whether it's ST or SST. The 7B is simply a better amp.
I would definitely agree with everybody who has posted that the SST series is better than the ST series. I have owned all 3 versions of the Bryston 3B - 3B, 3BST and 3BSST. Each one is incrementally better than the previous version but none is a huge improvment over the previous one.

Ultimately, I am looking for the best sound. I think the decision is fairly clear for me - the 7BST is the better choice over the 4BSST or the 6BSST.

Thanks to all who replied and helped me out here.

I have had both the 4B-ST and the 4B-SST in the same system and preferred the SST. It was smoother on highs and middle and retained the solid bottom end Bryston is known for.

I could be wrong but I think as far as the 6B's go the ST is nearly identical to the SST. It was designed just before the new names and corresponding faceplates. Though it would be better to check with Bryston directly.

You will get better separation with the monos and clearly more power. Though I digress, depending on your taste and associated equipment your mileage may very with each unit listed. Personally the 4B-SST was enough.....for now.