Audio Aero Prima integrated Mk1. Just bought it

Hi guys,

I just bought the first version of the Prima integrated! I'm really excited to get it. It's new. Is there anything I should know about taking care of the tubes? This will be my first tube amp (well, hybrid). When will I need to replace them? Can tube rolling be done with this piece (I don't think so)?

And thanks, Howard, for all your help!
Hi Howard,

Thanks for the help. I ordered a Mullard 6922 from the early 70's. I'll be using a shunyata power cord.


P.S. Do you remember how much break in time yours needed? Any reccomendations on how to break it in? Leave it on all the time?

I bought mine used, so I'm guessing that it was already broken in. If you are listening often enough, I'd just leave it on all the time. Great tube, and great power cord.

The most fun I've had in this hobby is being surprised. If your CD player allows for it, try running the Prima as an amp only (pre-out), and then as an integrated. We just discovered a big difference in the sound, and one way worked well when the system was in one room, and the opposite in another. Go figure.

Lousey, sounds like you have the same amp as I have. Great amp all around. Go with the Mullard ECC88 gold pin tube. As Boa2 suggested, the VDH cord works great with the amp. If you can, get the Cardas posts, rcas and the Kimbar caps installed. This will also make a change for the better.
I also bought mine used about 3 years ago. I usually left it powered on on the mute select unless I knew I would be away for a couple of days or so. Leaving it on, with proper venting was never a problem. For a cheap tweek, mass load the top to reduce vibration and put some cones or 3 HRS feet underneath.
As Boa2 suggested, you can use this amp as a power amp, preamp or leave it as a int. amp. Happy listening.
Hi Eldelucesol, thanks for the advice. I'm pretty sure the Mullard that I put in there was gold pin. Also, I haven't done any mods on the amp, and I noticed that there are already Kimber Kaps installed. Could they have added that in a later production run?

What exactly is mass loading? Putting something heavy across the top?
Hi, I am really interested on this amp since I am considering buying it. I really appreciate all your comes since I am pretty new myself to the hi-fi world.

One question, I have been told that this amp has a very low Signal Noise To Ration (70db) - whatever that is... - How important is this feature? I checked other amps (i.e. Kora or Krell) and they seem to deliver higher SNRs. any thoughts? Thanks!