Audio Aero Prima integrated Mk1. Just bought it

Hi guys,

I just bought the first version of the Prima integrated! I'm really excited to get it. It's new. Is there anything I should know about taking care of the tubes? This will be my first tube amp (well, hybrid). When will I need to replace them? Can tube rolling be done with this piece (I don't think so)?

And thanks, Howard, for all your help!
We bought my AA Prima hybrid after hearing it with a pair of Triangle speakers. Although I find that the Triangles can be somewhat bright, if you end up with a Prima Hybrid MKI, you will likely want to experiment with different 6922 tubes, as they will help 'tune' the sound to the balance that you desire. The MKII version of this amp has a hardwired miniature 6021W tube. It also has remote control, and is 50W (as opposed to the 40W of the MKI), but it does not have a preamp out like the MKI. In other words, you can use the MKI as a preamplifier with any type of amp/monoblocks that you like.

Your four binding posts mean that you can bi-wire your speakers. That is, you can buy a pair of speaker cables that has two terminations on the amp end, and four on the speaker side. Your binding posts should presently have a metal plate of some type between them, and if you run single wire speaker cable you will want to connect the cables to the binding posts on the bottom. You can also try using jumpers, which are short cables that replace those metal plates for better conductivity. Many options are available, and one will sound best to you. If I'm not mistaken, those speakers take some time to break in. If they are not yet broken in yet, you might want to let them do so before tweaking your cables, etc. too much. Copper cables tend to give you a warmer sound. While my preference is for silver, I think you might find silver to be too bright with the Triangles. If so, make sure your room is treated before making conclusions.

Finally, Globe Audio Marketing is the NA rep for Audio Aero, and they are a pleasure to work with. They have an authorized service center here in the US (Austin, TX), but I understand that they may be looking for a new US service center.

Is that enough info for you?
All the best to you in your search,

Welcome to the Hybrid int amp world....!! My and many others favourite amps.

Pathos Logos owner.
Howard and Chris,

You have no idea how thankful I am for all this explanation. Honestly, I can't wait to have all the system set up. I will keep you all posted!

PS. Any bananas/brass brands you would recommend? I heard Eichmann are really good.


Well, you guys made it. I spent the whole morning researching tubes online and didn't get any work done. Anyway, this is for the good.

I asked the seller of my MkI and it has a Tesla tube. I did a little searched and it seems they are really similar to the Siemmens.
See here:

Nevertheless, I am rather suspicious. Tesla tubes are slightly cheaper than Siemmens (See the following listing:

Regardless, I love the man (Tesla), probably the greatest investor of all times. So, I will give them a shot. Needless to say that I will compare them against the Siemmens and the Mullard.

Once again, thanks for everything. Josep
In my other amp, the Tesla had a slightly thinner, more analytical sound than the Siemens. Have not tried it in the Prima Hybrid, however. Try different tubes. The amp takes only one 6922 tube, so you don't have to buy them in pairs. You'll find one that suits you.