Audio Aero Prima integrated Mk1. Just bought it

Hi guys,

I just bought the first version of the Prima integrated! I'm really excited to get it. It's new. Is there anything I should know about taking care of the tubes? This will be my first tube amp (well, hybrid). When will I need to replace them? Can tube rolling be done with this piece (I don't think so)?

And thanks, Howard, for all your help!
Get yourself a number 2 allen key and take the 7 screws out of the case. Remove the cover by sliding it back a little. Carefully remove the tube so that it does not rock the circuit board to which the socket is attached. Then change that Tesla tube. You will notice a welcome improvement with either of your replacement tubes. Try them both to see which you prefer. Also, that amp doesn't really warm up for about 25 minutes, which you may have already noticed. Enjoy!
Hi, quick question, I am trying ot use the Prima as a preamp. Has anyone try it with McIntosh or Gamut? Can you tell me how to hook it up?

