Help with Turntable/arm/cart decision

Hello Audiogoners please help me with a NEW turntable purchase. System is McIntosh C2200 pre with MC352 amp. Speakers are Dynaudio Contour 3.0's. OK, looking for a complete new turntable with tonearm and a cartridge for under $5,000. So far I am looking at: Clearaudio Performance DC w/verify tonearm, Pro-Ject Xtension 10 w/10cc EVO arm. I would like to be able to use my MM phono input through the C2200, I would consider an external phono pre if needed. I really like MC carts over MM's not sure why.....maybe mc seems to me to be more accurate and dynamic?? Or maybe I haven't heard a great MM. Tables I have had in the past are....Thornes TD160 w/TP16 tonearm with Grado Prestige woodbody, I think. Also, Rega P3 w/RB301 tonearm and a Dynavector 10X5. Help, I want something up a level or 2 from these, if possible?
It's strange to me, but I'm no expert. Did the Rel give you problems using other sources? I'm sure there are some expert TT guys who may be able to help you out before you have to start with filters. That may be the way, but I wonder how many are using a filter. I haven't even seen one or heard about them in a few years and I've been to many dealers and listened to countless set ups from 300,000 down to Rega 1s. Very interesting situation and I'm sorry you are going through this.
The Well Tempered Amadeus/equivalent includes a phenomenal tonearm and costs in the low to mid $3K range. (Certainly I am hooked as I have three of them in various systems!) That leaves you with a significant amount of money to spend on many excellent cartridge options.

Good Luck!
Matt, go to and input the information on the arm and cartridge. It will calculate the resonant frequency for you. The Cartridge Resonance Evaluator is located in the tools tab. I did this and looks like compliance of 14 - 24 would be suitable. I could not find a compliance specification for your cartridge. Sorry about your REL.

Best Regards,

Jim Perry
After using the Cartridge Resonance Evaluator I determined that I am at 10hz. My tone arm is 8.5g and the cartridge compliance is 15 that puts me in the 10hz zone which shows more than acceptable. So all I know is that my system has a heartbeat, 4 beats exactly, and it seems to get faster if I play the big 45rpm records. I can sit real close and hear and see my main speakers and the REL 4 very quick pumps then it goes away then 4 very quick pumps and so on....It happens on everything I play. I put digital on and everything seems to be rock solid there.
I was able to replace the 10" woofer by calling Dave @ Rel in Berkley CA. I received the replacement driver very quickly. So, Now I am waiting on a new phono pre amp (Manley labs Chinook). I have had bad luck with my last 2 phono stages. I really am looking forward to getting my system back up and running properly again. It has been a real downward spiral ever since I received the new Turn Table. One thing after another... electrical noise, woofer pumping, buzzing, blanketed sound, I am experiencing a little of everything right now. More later.