Which is better: Naim Nait 5 or Nait 5i ??

I am looking at used Naim Nait 5 integrated amps
and wanted to know which version sounded better:
The original "Nait 5" or the new "Nait 5i".

Naim-Audio.com forum can give you many threads on this very subject. Consensus is Nait 5i is faster , more powerful. Nait 5, warmer and can be upgraded.
The 5 is nice in that you can always upgrade the piece by using the "5" as either a preamp or amp.
I have the "5" and Im currently looking for a 202 preamp thereby using the 5 as an amp until Im ready to upgrade the amp.
Muzikat pretty much summed it up in terms of sonics. If you have no plans to upgrade , dont have vinyl, and prefer a more aggresive sound, go withthe 5i.
I do not have vinyl but I do prefer a warmer sound
so maybe the 5 would be better than the 5i for me.

I was hoping to get an all Naim system used off
audiogon as follows:

Nait 5 or 5i
Naim CD5, CD5i, or CD5X
Naim speakers (I see Allae used)

I am looking for a warm sound with lot's of pace
and involement. Imaging and razor detail is not
a priority at all. I am hearing that I need to
look for a used "Nait 5" and "Naim CD5" to have
the warmest sound. Speakers I have no idea on.
I want to get Naim to match the sonics throughout
the system and I see Allae used but I am also hearing
the Nait 5 would drive the Allae well.. Ideas on
the best Naim speakers to go with a CD5/Nait5 ??
