Tube Amps

I am real novice when it comes to tubes
I am fascinated by their appearance and really would like to own one. I have a fairly decent understanding of solid states but when it comes to the tubes I feel lost. I would like some decent recomendation on an amp of about $1500. How user friendly are they, what should I look out much ownership headache is there vis a vis maintainance and upkeep on the tubes etc. Are they worth the bother over a quality solid state component
Many thanks in advance
VAC's Renaissance amps and CAT's amps are Class A triode designs. They all exceed your budget, however.

That said, you might be able to pick up a VAC 30/30 Renaissance Mk. III used for +/- $2,500. It is as trouble-free as a tube amp can be because (i) it is self-biasing, (ii) uses super long long-life 300-B output tubes, and (iii) has great build quality. It also has a "sentry circuit" that automatically shuts down an output tube if the tube starts to fail. It is only rated at 32 watts channel, but is much more powerful than its wattage rating suggests due to its very high quality power supplies and output transformers. It can drive most speakers to loud levels in average size rooms (it is a beast of an amp that weighs 85 lbs. - it can drive a 2 Ohm load). The styling is gaudy in my opinion, but the sound quality and build quality are truly supurb.

The only hassle to owning a good tube amp is that most put off a goodly amount of heat and you can't leave it on 24/7, meaning that you have to give it time to warm up before letting loose (it depends on the amp, but generally speaking, anything less than a half an hour of warm-up stresses the tubes and other internal parts). This requires that you "plan", to a certain degree, when you will listen to music, which some people find unacceptable.
Another possibility: a used VAC Avatar integrated. I have one and love it. Should be able to drive your Ushers easily.

couple more questions
why are some amps designed with multiple tubes shown perhaps 6 or 8 and why some may have just 2
the other question is about shanling? and Mcintosh 275?
many thanks in advance