Audio Research vs YBA

I have a YBA 2 preamp that I use with my YBA 1 amplifier.
Can an Audio Research LS25 mkII smouth out the sound so it sound less forward and less harsh.
The CD player is a Wadia 301, tuner is Audio Refinement and speakers JM Lab Utopia Diva BE.

Let me also know about other option that could work well.

Thank you

I tried a AR LS 25 with my Ayre V-5x amp and had very nice results - I recommend having SOME tube in your system, and it m,ight as well be the preamp (cheaper, less heat less wear/tear than the amp). Try one from your local dealer, and decide for yourself.
Audio Research gear is acutally a bit forward sounding and will not give you the kind of presentation you are looking for. I would recommend an AudioNote pre-amp - they all have a very liquid, soft sound, that does not sacrafice any detail. It is the way to go with the YBA amp.
I have owned the ARC LS25 mk1 and mk2. Avoid the mk2. Been using a Cary SLP-2002, which in my system is about 30% "better" than the AR MK1. YMMV