Pass XA 160 review:life span is 6 years?

In recent Stereophile review of Pass Xa 160 i remember reading that it's life span is 50000 hours.Does that means if in a near future i see a 6-7 year old Xa 160 for sale i should avoid it?What about those monster Krell amps that keep on working after 20+ years without being turned off?
What in this case is a life span of X250/350?Is it why there are so many X250/X350 amps for sale?I appreciate your replies.
Certain amps' circuit design parameters stress components more than others. Case in point, Krell amps, at least older ones, are said to be hard on electrolytic caps (the big ones). You will see people periodically mention that they had to change the caps after 10 years. Whether Class A operation affects this or not, I don't know. More heat and higher temperatures probably have some effect. However, I have been told by some manufacturers that the stress of turn-on has almost as much effect as keeping the amp on continuously. I would like to get a more definitive answer on this.

I do not think the poster is correct who said the output devices will burn out after so many years. I believe that most of the rugged, strong, quality bipolars like Motorola, Sanken, etc., will last indefinitely. Correct me if I am wrong.
Kevziek -- nothing will last indefinitely. If you don't do something about this (i.e. help them NOT last indefinitely), your local power supply co will help you out with peaks, sparks, junk, etc.
Jmcgrogan2, you are correct, XA Pass series is pure class A. Conversely X.5 runs in class A/AB. There is a thread I started a little while ago that discusses the design/sonic features of the Pass X.5 series and compares them with the old Pass X series. See:
I will post there any new information I will acquire on these amps.
IMHO, once you go Class A there is no going back. That's probably why I prefer the sound of the older Krell/Threshold/Levinson/Pass amps. I thought the Aleph models sounded better than the X-series. I'll have to give the XA's a listen.
"I thought the Aleph models sounded better than the X-series. I'll have to give the XA's a listen"

XA is one notch above Aleph, it keeps all the good stuffs in Aleph but with better bass, image and treble. The difference is not trivia so that no A/B comparison is needed to appreciate the improvement.

"The XA series does run a higher Class A bias though, correct?"

No ! The total bias current is even higher but rail voltage is much lower.