Supratek ??

The preamp deal of the century?. is the supratek live up with his title?.I ask couple of the local high end dealer , but they have no idea what is it. is it worthy the wait and price. thanks for all advice
Bought my Chenin to primarily get back to spinning vinyl, as I was running my Wadia 861 CDP direct into my CAT amps.

While the on-going debate exists between those who prefer a CDP direct and those who do not, I can attest that the Wadia sounds better through the Chenin. Whether that's a commentary on the Wadia, or the linestage, it's certainly a statement about how well the Chenin adds rather than detracts.

However, since getting my new vinyl rig, the only time I insert a CD is to see how bad it sounds when compared to its LP counterpart.

Vinyl's somewhat more of a hassle, but man, am I having a blast with it. I having more fun than I've ever experienced in my 30 plus years of being in this hobby, and the Chenin is providing a big chunk of that enjoyment.
I have purchased 2 of them, a corteses and a cabernet. Others have also. They are excellent quality preamps and represent a great value for the money invested. Whether they are the right preamp for you is dependant on your personal preferences and your other components in your system. You shouldn't have any problem selling it if you didn't care for it.
I own a Syrah and it was a dramtic improvement over a Bat-30
preamp. They represent a great value in the audio-world.
I sold my turntable 6-7 years ago as it only got in the way of trying to enjoy CDs. At the time 20 and 24/96 remasterings were just coming out and the future of digital looked quite bright. Problem was that every time I played a good record on the old Scottish T/T (and, no, it's not the one you're thinking of) I couldn't listen to CDs for days.
I had a Syrah about three years ago. I think it was the second in the country. It is very good, especially the 417A phono stage. There are several better units at about the same price, such as the Exemplar Exception II and the H-Cat P12A, which is far an away the best line stage I have ever heard.