Worst mismatches in equipment: your warnings

I opened this thread to gather some info on equipment or brands that are not friendly to each other.I had a terrible mismatch between Theta Pearl CD transport and CAL Alpha.
It was the worst sound i ever had.After a couple of weeks of trying to convince myself i went back to the store and luckily was given a store credit.
The other mismatch was when i picked up a used Legacy preamp which worked on the same RF frequencies as my Jerrod cable box.Channels up and down raised volume up and down.
I wonder what other mismatches are out there?

BAT VK500 amplifier and Eminent Technology LFTVIIIa speakers are a great match, but do not use Zu WAX bi-wire speaker cables between the two. Congested, closed in, flat sound.. it was horrible. DH Labs Q10 proved to be a great cable.
Anything Bose will mismatch with your ears! Sdatch, that's one of the parameters of Atma-sphere amps...you should use a higher impedance speaker. However, I've heard from many that Paul Speltz's "Zero-former" will cure your mismatch and give you the sound that you are looking for.
Interesting response from Jeffloistarca, I also have the BAT Vk-500 with Alon V/Circe's and had a similar experience with Cardas Neutral Reference. Surprisingly the DH Labs Q-10 provide a cleaner, more open and more dynamic sound, only bettered by the NR in presenting midrange textures. I could not live with the overall boring, flat presentation of the Neutral Reference, no matter how smooth they are. Maybe the silver wires are more synergistic because the BAT is a bit dark sounding.
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