Krell amps and Tube Preamps - enemies?

Wow! I never realized how difficult it would be to add tubes with a KRELL amp. I'm no engineer, and, I don't pretend to be into the "technical" side of the audio world. So I'll try to explain.

It seems that tube Preamps create DC. I've been told that DC will dammage my Krell amp (FPB400cx), and possibly my speakers(Tyler Acoustics Linbrook Sig, System 1 piece). UNLESS, I open the amp up and do something to the "jumpers on the digital board" . This puts some protection into the signal path. The Bad thing is, I'm told, - it also colors or degrades the audible signal coming thru the speakers. So, if I want to use my SS set up, say for SACD or DVD-V/DVD-A, I would have to open the amp up again and reverse the proceedure. This would remove the "blockage" in the signal path. :-( This of course, would have to be re-done when I want to go back to the tube setup. WHAT A PAIN!

Needless to say, this has thrown the proverbial 'wet blanket' on my tube enthusiasm. Is this problem common to ALL SS amps? Or is it just a KRELL thing?

Any thoughts would be helpful.
(This is part of a thread i started on the speaker threads, but i thought i might have more luck here on the "amp' Threads)
Rooze - Where did you get the instructions on how to do the operation? Why does Krell NOT ship the amps with the protection?

Like Rooze, I used a Krell 200 FPB with a tubed line (AE-3)level pre-amp. I called Krell and they faxed me the instructions and general jumper location.. I am not a technical person and it took all of five minute get it done. The only issue I had was volume distortion. When played really (Megadeth) loud it appeared to get muddy, less defined but I figured it was the tubes not the Krell. Beware tubes can be habit forming.
Oldpet, send an email to Krell through their website at and include a fax number with the email. They'll fax you a sketch of the internal layout of the amp with arrows pointing to the two jumpers that need to be removed. It's very easy to do. Again, I didn't hear any difference in the sound.

Thanks Rooze, will do. I figure, the worst that can happen is, I'll have to change it back if i don't like it. Of course, I'll try it with my SS stuff, BEFORE I buy the tube pre. I was thinking of the ARC LS16.....or maybe a p-12A, H-CAT. If i go the H-CAT route then this all becomes a moot point since the p-12A is a SS design. I Think? hmmm.......