Tube integrated amp less than 12" in depth?

I am looking for an integrated tube amp that will fit in my office. I play CD's on an Underwood mod 1 Jolida 100D with Siemens and Amperex Bugle Boys, at low volumes with a Creek 5350 SE and biwired-Proac Response 1s. The sound is great but I miss tubes in the amp..........and it plays 12 hours a day.
Room size 14 X 16 feet.
Any suggestions for that "tube" sound?
The equipment is housed in a lockable closet and cant be more than 12" deep to fit. It is locked as my partner likes to come in and turn the sound off!!:) (Philistine)
You can go with a Jadis Orchestra or Orchestra Reference (JOR), Springbok10. Although they are not deep at all, they are a bit wider than most equipment. I am not sure if that is a problem or not... If you are very interested, I can measure the exact depth of my JOR.

Great tube sound, really, really good. I sometimes wonder why I screw around with other equipment as the amp produces nice tube sound in a simple, easy to use package.

If you can, spring for the Orchestra Reference, as you can use the bigger 6550, KT88, and KT90 tubes, beyond the EL34 & 6CA7. In addition, they have bass and treble controls, much larger transformers, and gold plated brass hardware instead of plastic of the Orchestra.
Brilliant suggestion! Thank you, Trelja. I have read all the reviews I can find and it sounds excatly what I am looking for. Thanks!! If you dont mind, could you measure yours, including depth of binding posts at the back. I have exactly 12" depth - width not an issue. If I have to, I can cut into the sheet rock at the back of the closet for i/cs and PCs. Are they still being made? I couldnt find the Orchestera Reference in their Blue book and there are none for sale on A'gon. I will pursue it. Much appreciated.