PrimaLuna ProLogue One versus Two

Anyone directly compared these two amps (with stock tubes)? What are the differences, particularly in the mids and highs?
Just a quick comment on the PrimaLuna ProLogue Two. I borrowed it from a friend and have been listening now for about three weeks. Its a terrific intergrated,smooth sounding....never tiring.Hats of to Kevin Deal at have an excellent product. And at its price...hard to beat.For people looking for an excellent,compact intergrated amp....check this one out first !!!
Hey guys while we are on the topic of the 2. I have been recommended this unit for my shanling modded cdt100 cd player to run with my martin logan ascents.Anyone have any experience with the ascents, is it powerful enough to drive the bottom end as well.I tried an original mc275 and found it to be too bright with the logans so i am looking for a good match.Any help would be much appreciated.
Fellow Primaluna owners. I have the PL One. I happened to win a audiophile aps 700 ac power regenerator. I wasn't expecting much but I figured, what the heck, it's free, and it probably can't hurt having clean power so I hooked it up. After a day of use I am very impressed. The bass in particular is much more dynamic and with more punch. It is now very close to the bass I was getting out of the Krell integrated I was using. The highs sound more natural without any shimmer. Overall it's a very nice improvement over what I felt was pretty awesome sound from my system. It's a pretty expensive item, given the cost of the PL's, but my experience with this type of product has been very positive in case any one else here ever wondered about these things.
Jval197, I am envious of your good furtune having won such a fine pc. Do you plug your source into it, or just the amp? Did you happen to audition any others? I have the Prologue I with SuperTjoeb CDP Upsampled, and am presently thinking about adding something along the lines of a Blue Circle Music Ring, Equi=Tech or perhaps an Audio Magic Mini Digital (all around $800ish). I tried the DeZorel G2 and, although there was a slight positive difference, it wasn't on the order of a component upgrade.