Tube Tester for 2A3

I have an old Censore TC154 tube tester that will test all my tubes except the 2A3. Anyone knows what brand and model number of tube testers should I be looking at for testing the 2A3 tubes? I want the simplest one that will do the job. thanks!

How did you get pictures on the text at Audiogon? I have been trying to do that but without success.

Anyway, if money is the issue, I think in the mean time I can simply ask dealers to check my tubes (I have only three pairs of 2a3).

Building a tester? Are you sure? When you find the circuit design, kindly pass it along, thanks!


The Transcendent tester is a kit. I think that's how they keep the $599 price point.

To do pics you need to be logged in. After you post, you "edit my post" and add HTML.
