Matching pre-amp for Bryston power amp

I will be grateful for any suggestions as to a good pre-amp for my Bryston 4BSST power amp. This drives PMC IB1S speakers. Cables are Eichmann Express 6 I.C. & speaker. CD front end is Marantz player used as transport into a Musical Fidelity Trivista 21 DAC.

A matching Bryston BP20 preamp is a possibility but their preamps are not as highly regarded as their power amps. I also think I would prefer a tube pre-amp.

Someone has suggested either a Rouge Audio Magnum 99 or something from the Octave range. Oh yes, and remote control would be nice!

Any help & suggestions would be gratefully received. Many thanks.
I currently own the Bryston 4BSST and the BP-20 combination. They work very well together. I have been auditioning the SAS Audio 10A during the past couple of weeks. It is a wonderful tube linestage that has great synergy with the Bryston amp. I recommend you give it a listen
Solentgreen, I have a 4Bst and have tried various preamps. You mentioned the Rogue 99 Magnum; a preamp that I bought new. Let me first say that the Rogue is a nice sounding preamp and is well built peice of equipment.

But having the opportunity to audition other tube preamps within my system, I was not happy with the purchase of the Rogue. Its sound was to close to solid state with a slight touch of tube presentation, and it was very, very microphonic.

I am currently using a Cary SLP98L and this is a great sounding preamp to match the the has the tube magic that the Rogue was lacking.

My 2 cents......good luck KEK
Thanks you guys for all the feedback. It’s much appreciated.
The one point that really struck home is not to be prejudiced with magazine reviews and to listen & decide for yourself. I will do that & keep you all posted.
Thanks again.
I have owned both the Bryston BP26 and Hovland HP 100 but unfortunately I was not using the same power amp for both.
(with the Bryston I was using a modified/upgraded Moscode 300 and with the Hovland I am using a Bryston 4B SST 2. My general take is that the Hovland is slightly warmer but slightly noisier than the BP26. (however the Moscode for all of its attributes wasn't the quietest amplifier I have used in the past while the Bryston most certainly is) If convenience is a factor the Bryston has a remote and one of the best warranties in consumer electronics. The Hovlands construction can only be described as sublime. The bottom line is that both of these preamps are built by great companies and will provide you with many years of wonderful service. Probably the best advise that I could impart is to listen to both units in your own system/setup to come to the most logical decision in which one to choose.