Cary SLI-80 vs Cary 300SEI

I have Silverline Sonatina II's, with REL Strata III, and they seem like long term keepers. I'm also real happy with the Cary family sound, using Cary SLI-80 and Cary 303/100. No sonic need to upgrade, everything sounds great, but hey you know the itch. I did not reach this point by stopping every time things sounded ok, I was always shooting for better. My speakers are 8 ohm and 92 db or 93 db (I forget). How much of an upgrade is Cary 300SEI vs Cary SLI-80, run in triode with KT88's? IS it an upgrade, or just a different mix? My speakers are already warm sounding, would a 300B based integrated be too warm sounding? Please share your experience comparing these two great amps! Cables are a mix of Audience AU24 and Quattrofil.
Hi Nick, thanks for the information, this is most helpful. I will be on the lookout now for a nice SEI.... Your "main system" sounds awesome in more respects - TALONS are AMAZING in my humble (ha!) opinion, Wadia, MIT.... Krell used to have the reputation of being if anything the opposite of SET sound. How would you describe the sound of your main rig? Did you have trouble deciding whether to go with high powered solid state vs SET in your main rig? I will be facing this decision soon myself, and I anticipate it will be a difficult "apples vs oranges" decision. How has it been for you?
I listened to both at the dealers thru speakers and then with headphones.
The 300sei was the clear winner with the phones.
I bought the Cary 300sei, also bought Shunyata Annaconda Helix power cord because using headphones again, you could hear the improvement in the Annaconda over the Python.
I drove a pair of Meadowlark Heron i easily and now A pair of Tannoy Ardens.
I never felt the need for more power and I have a larger than average room.
Cables and speaker wire sonics , especially with the Ardens, are very easy to distinguish.
So far 20 guage solid core copper are the answer.
The 300sei has qualities that are more like real instruments and not like hifi components.More subtle.
Thanks Lacee. I've been meaning to revisit this issue.

How is treble detail and bass control? Those are where there WOULD be weaknesses, if any.

I have used the Cary on a pair of Heron i and no problem with bass or treble.
I now use a pair of Tannoy Ardens and the results are very good.More than enough bottom and pristine, non fatiguing highs.
Buy the Cary and find some old Tannoy concentrics, use silver wire speaker and ic and forgetaboutit.
My time on the merry go round I think is over.