New Pangea Audio AC-14 XL Power Cord

I was ready to order the Pangea AC-14SE when I came across a new PC from Pangea...the AC-14 XL. It looks like a totally different animal than the AC-14SE and AC-14.
Has anybody tried this PC yet?
I think the promotion is still running. The most recent Audio Advisor catalog that just came in the mail (SP114 as identifier...lower left back cover) is still listing an "Impossible-to-Resist Trade-in/Trade-up Deal: Get 100% Of Your Money Back When You Upgrade to New Pangea AC-14XL!" on page 3.

Must call them for RA# before sending in your old AC-14 or AC-14SE.
Pangea likely bundles the older "trade in" cables and ships them to third world countries to foster sub par hifi...shameful.
04-24-14: Robertsong
Anybody know what AA does with the used traded in cables??

They put some metal on the plugs and sell them as the XL models.
Not a big believer in spending huge $$$ on power cords, I just acquired the Pangea AC-14XL. I have power conditioning throughout my system, which is comprised of customized vacuum tube equipment, including a pair of 805 SE amps. I have some vintage name brand power cords supplying the main power to the conditioners, and SoniClear, cryo treated, power cords supplying all the other gear. The SoniClear cables were reasonably priced and a nice upgrade over stock. In comes the 14XL into the preamp. All else remained the same. To say I was surprised is an understatement. The sound literally exploded (but very smoothly) into my room. I had no idea that my SE amps could make such low bass. My Von Schwiekert speakers are capable of going very deep into the nether regions. I put on cut 6 from The Gladiator CD and was astonished that my system, particularly the amps, could produce the low bass that it did. Improvements are not just in the bass, but I can't get into all of those now. I have had the cord for about two weeks and I think I am still hearing changes (for the better). Given its gauge, I would not use these on power amps.