Sonic Impact T-Amp giant killer?

I did a search and didn't find anything...have you folks heard about the $30 wonder?

It seems it's turning a few heads...
Reading the consensus of the first owners.Most prefer the Clari T Amp without the additional preamp in the path.But it all boils back down to ...whatever floats your boat.Also as you've stated the number of sources you have to plug in will make that decision for you. At a time when audiophools spend $1000.00 for a pair of mystical cables..that look good more than anything else.The Clari T should be a very cheap ticket to audio nirvana with real science behind it.

Checkout this cool custom box for the little tripath chips
Tripath/Sonic Impact chassis. Even for the yuppy have to admit that chassis is a winner!
That price must be a typo!!! LOL
You got guys paying 20 times that for a pretty box.
i admit it....i'm a sucker for a silver case with a blue LED. maybe that will be a part of my upgrade path. temptations, temptations. we audiophools are a gullible bunch :-)
HeHeHe..amen to that! I wouldn't have it any other way!!
Well..I'm off to piss my wife off again with another audio toy purchase!! That dog house is really starting to grow on me.