Sonic Impact T-Amp giant killer?

I did a search and didn't find anything...have you folks heard about the $30 wonder?

It seems it's turning a few heads...
i admit it....i'm a sucker for a silver case with a blue LED. maybe that will be a part of my upgrade path. temptations, temptations. we audiophools are a gullible bunch :-)
HeHeHe..amen to that! I wouldn't have it any other way!!
Well..I'm off to piss my wife off again with another audio toy purchase!! That dog house is really starting to grow on me.
I've been burning the Tripath battery powered(12 SLA) in for a few days now. When paired with sensitive speakers the Clari T Amp is a true giant killer for sure! And it can kill some big ass giants!

The sound is totally nonfatiguing. Yet vivid ,fleshy and engaging.Combined with the proper speakers and can't help but be drawn into the music.

If some think the SI powered by a wall wart is great.And many do..including some professional reviewers.They really need to hook up a 12 volt battery,remove unnecessary circuits and see what they've been missing. Anyone in the Georgia /Alabama area that would like to try it out against their Reference low wattage tube amp(what ever the cost) give me a holler.

(Disclaimer)Just don't take it out on me when the ClariT embarasses it with it's sheer muscle and musicality. One owner describes it's sound as a tough (inner city) SET tube amplifier wearing leather.LOL.. I really got a kick out of that one! This is simplicity at it's finest .

Good Listening!
Mine's going to be dropped off by UPS today, along with a Scott Nixon DAC that Vinnie put into one of his enclosures for me. Hopefully I'm in for a night of SLA battery-powered bliss.

I have a friend that owns the Scott Nixon dac.I haven't had a chance to hear it though.I don't think his is the battery powered version though.He has only good things to say about it.
The first couple of hours the top end will be grainy and closed in on the Clari T Amp(no surprise as the switching power supplies need to get going).
By the end of the night your going to do some cart wheels in the listening room. By the third day it will be sommersaults with half twists! Try not to hurt yourself ! LOL

Let us know what you think!

Happy Listening!