VTL vs Jolida

I just listened to my first tube amp and loved it; VTL HT-150 and B&W 703s. I heard good things about Jolida. How does VTL and Jolida compare? I really liked the B&Ws and also Martin Logan. My listening area is 17X22, 18' ceilings, wood floors with an area rug and furniture in front of the speakers. I also need a preamp for a DVD and tuner and perhaps to a TV for movies. Not sure how that would work out. Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated.
Thanks, I'm hearing VTL is better, but at a much bigger price tag. Is the quality worth the price difference? Any other tubes comparable to the VTL at a better price?

Any comments on the B&W 703s vs Martin Logan or Maggies 1.6s?
I have and love my Maggie 1.6.
I use a VTL 2.5 preamp, and my stereo sounds great
Amp is a 20 year old SAE A502
CD is an embassasment....
I would love some MB 250s
Hi Jon,

Between the B&W 703s vs Martin Logan's. This is at least as drastic as SS and tube amps. I own the Logans' and love them. I compared them long term to the B&W 604/S2's which I believe are somewhat similar to the 703s. To me, the Logans were far superior in most aspects, but I love stats. As a side note, tubes and martin logans are a wonderful match up!

Hope this helps. BTW, I am currently tossing around VTL, Cary amps for my next change.

You're looking at some pretty power hungry speakers there. Also, Jolida (and I've heard 4-5 of their products) are rather 'classic tube' sounding - kinda soft and difuse. By difuse I mean not a lot of resolution and dynamics which may be a good thing depending on the amp and CD player used. VTL makes some powerful amps which would most likely sound more involving with quality speakers like the B&Ws. Cary is also a rather classic tube sound but more guts, resolution, and musicality than any of the Jolida integrateds I've heard. However, it of course depends on which Cary you get.

Since you've now expanded to three tube lines, why not check out the other 35? (Just kidding! Be smart and pick out three you're interested in and don't drive yourself crazy with "choice obsession".) You might want to check out a Mesa Baron since it can be run in 4 different modes with all or various forms of pentode and triode operation.

Finally, be careful if you buy through A'gon or any other used audio website. Double and triple check whomever you're buying from and e-mail if you have any concerns or want tips on how to avoid getting ripped off.
To Pmwoodward ref Martin Logan's. How powerful an amp needed and aren't Martin Logans placement sensitive? Doesn't the quality suffer if you move out of the sweetspot? I really like MLs, but this is what I heard. I like the sound of MLs on SS and can only imagine the sound with tubes. VTL has an 85W tube amp. Would that work? I heard MLs needed a lot of power. More than the B&Ws? Which MLs do you have? The room they are going in have 18' ceilings and is 17X22.