DK Design VS-1 versus 300b sound

There has been a lot of discussion about the merits of the DK Design VS-1 MKII. I am curious about how lovers of the seductive sound of 300b tubes have felt when listening to this amplifier and whether this amp truly can bring together the bass slam of solid state with the warmth and musicality of the 300b.
Nothing shill about this. I have a small taste of the 300b sound from a Ming Da amp with 300b and 805 tubes. It sounded quite good to my ears, but has been a PITA with respect to reliability. I've read a lot of Audiogoners who have replaced tube separates with the DK Design and I recently auditioned the amp. I was very impressed with the amp, but in the set up I heard it didn't have quite the seductive sound I had heard from the 300b's. I would like the best of all worlds. Just wondering what more experienced listeners have found.
Interesting. Oddly enuf I read these pages every day and I've notice no evidence of "a lot of Audiogoners who have replaced their tube seperates with the DK design". I have noticed a dealer or two who sez his customers did. I'm sure not tempted from anything I've read about it yet and I understand that I'm to ignore dealers, or want to be dealers, puffery. I'll be impressed when known tub-o-philes in this forum say they have switched over.

I think that what might have tempted some one to refer to your thread as a "shill post" is that many of the DK raves in this forum have come from 1st time posters. This is usually indicative of shill posting.
this looks like it's gonna be another one of those "long time audiogoners" vs. "brand new posters" where all of the latter rush to the defense of DK design.

what ever happened to the 3 test samples that were going to be sent to long time audiogon members for review? why have we heard no more about who the three will be?
It sounds like you answered your own question: you demo'ed the VS-1
yourself and while you liked some of its qualities it did not impress you with a
classic "seductive" 300b character. To get that you'll probably
have to go with a tube amp, most likely a SET. Then you may lose some slam,
it depends on the design. Trust your own ears.
Who has replaced tube separates with the DK design? I'd sure be interested to hear their experiences. I seem to have missed this as well.