Tubed Integrated/$1500/New or Used

My good friend is seriously in the market for a tubed integrated @ the $1500 price point, new or used.
He's leaning torward a modded Jolida which I know nothing about.
Midrange warmth and presence is important.
Your recommendations please.
Indeed, I have heard a modified Jolida 707A. It was fantastic. The largest Jolida dealer in the country is near me, and the 707A was apparently created with much input from him. He has his own set of mods he does on it (not sure what) that bring it to another level entirely. I heard it driving small Maggies with no problem at all.

I'm refering to Dave Hare at Stereo Unlimited in Walnute Creek, CA if you're anywhere nearby. It's worth a listen, I think.
Jadis Orchestra Reference used - about $1500. Luscious sound, detailed, great soundstage. As long as you don't have to bias too often.
Thanks Lousyreeds1 for addressing my question.Yeah i think i will investigate getting mine modded.Curious if you had the chance to hear the unmodded one which i am using?I think it sounds darn good but i bet a good mod will take it a step further down the blissfull road.
I'll throw in my 2 cents for the PrimaLuna. I have the Prologue One and it's all that has been said above and written about it. This was my first step into tubes. It's a no brainer for anyone interested in tubes without the fuss.