power amplifiers with ICEpower module

Hi guys, what do you think of the new breed of "digital" amplifiers with the ICEpower modules, I mean sonically. My initial thoughts are neither positive nor negative. I think ICEpowered amplifiers are very clean sonically (very low distortion and coloration), but at the same time they are also a bit cool and lean sounding to me. My current reference is a rather low powered (50 W) class-A Accuphase amplifier.

Come on Brian, you've read and heard enough from very experienced audiophiles that you know that dog won't hunt.

Amandarae, don't fall for Brian's usual response about components he doesn't sell. He is sooooo predictable.

Many who sell high-end products like Brian are threatened by "digital" amps. They challenge the high-end at reasonable prices (excepting the Rowlands).

ICEpower amps may not be the best amps available at any price, but many, many people who have heard them extoll their virtues as being "full of life, dynamic, with weight and immediacy."

But then again the vast majority of owners and audiophiles who rave about ICEpower amps aren't selling competing products that are getting killed by cheaper and newer technology.
Muralman, I anticipate hearing one soon and will reserve judgment till then, but my post stands. Meanwhile, it surely seems any time ICEpower and H2O are mentioned, you are quick to wax poetic about the latter. Do you have any interest in H2O other than as a customer?
Essentialaudio, to answer your question, no. What's more, I am not the only guy who has posted wonderment about the H2O on the net. In fact, my praise pales in the light of other owner reviewer's prose.

You, or anyone, are invited to my place for a listen.

I can't vouch for the speakers, Analysis full range dipoles, H2O amps will be driving, but I am willing to stick out my head a little bit, and dub them, "Best of Show," at the next HE Show in NY.
Fiddler, I heard what I heard, and you don't have to agree. But your "sooooo predictable" jab "won't hunt" as you say. I didn't say what I heard, so as not to take prisoners. You want to know what the system was? Email me. If you think expressing an opinion about a technology per se is inappropriate, why? If the technology lived up to its billing of ultimate performance, I'd be all over it. Perhaps the point is about good price/performance, in which case a different response may be in order.

If you want to have a shootout, bring it on, I'm game. What is considered a reasonable price by one person may not be in another's, but that's another topic of endless debate. Meanwhile, let's agree to disagree.
Where does JO4 technology (used in highly regarded Goldmund amps) fit into great amp design? Stellavox & Job amps are reasonably priced, using the same JOB4 technology.
I own the Stellavox PW-1 monos. They sound fantastic, weigh little, and are quick! I always wonder why these conversations do not include JOB4 technology?
Dazzdax- You owe it to yourself to check out JOB4 amps (Goldmund, Stellavox or Job amps are all owned & marketed by Goldmund)!