CJ premier 8 - please share your comments

Hi - I am evaluating/listening a pair of CJ Premier 8 at home this weekend (dealer is sellinfga his demo pair).

I am not familiar with the CJ line (never had any amp/preamp from them before). I will kindly appreciate your valuable experience/insight regarding this amps. (please check my system description)

I must decide if I am keeping them or not next Monday !!!

Problem !!!

Some guys at AA are warning me of the retubing process of CJ Premier 8s.

They say it is not just plug new valves and bias them thru their little screw that each valve has, and that I will be crying for such a terrible task.

DO you share this opinions ???
don't agree with that in my experience I purchased 16 matched 6550 GE tubes and the necessary input and driver tubes matched also from ARS tubes just installed them and biased them as usual no problems whatsoever.
The "guys at AA" either don't know what they're talking about or they have some other agenda: pure poppycock as to any difficulty. If the caution is over cost of retubing vis-a-vis a solid state amp, sure, there will be more cost over the life of the amp due to retubing.

No, there was not a cost issue but a design consideration from their perspective, AA = audioasylum.com.

They called it an "engineer nightmare" biasing amps like that.

I am really liking the sound of this amp, I will ask the dealer to re-tube it for me (at my cost if I keep it) and let it run for a week just to make sure everything is OK.
