Sleeper preamps: $500 new/used

Looking for tube or solid state pre with very good phono stage...willing to go used and go with an older model if sound quality is superior...any models come to mind?
I have 2 favorites: Classe 30 for around $400 or a Sumo Athena for about $250. They both sound awesome with nice phono. I really like the MFA better than both of these plus it promotes tube rolling. The problem with the MFA is dual volume controls can be annoying. The Classe has remote, sumo does not.
ARC SP 9 MK2- Use NOS tubes. I had some Amperex 7308 USN-CEP. Keep in mind that this unit is a Hybrid. Uses tubes for output. Great phono with a lot of gain. Can be had around 600.

Conrad Johnson PV-5. A Classic. The only reason that you can find one for $500 is because it was very popular during it's production run. At least 3 TAS and one Sterophile reviewer used them as reference preamps during the eighties.