Re-biasing a CJ Premier 8

I am considering to get a used CJ Premier 8 amp, current tubes are 75%-50% of their life (12 6550 per side) and dealer recommends me to re-tube both units.

1.- Which are the best options considering a high price/performance ratio?

2.- Any word on domestic Svetlanas vs fying "c" options?

3.- What about trying KT90´s?

Thanks for your feedback.

Believe me the drive tubes matter, more than you think.When you finally get around to getting some cryoed ones;you'll understand.
I would concurr with avguygeorge on the influence of the input and driver tubes. That said: Both the 6fq7's and the 5751's in the amplifiers should give you at least 3000 hours of life before replacement [unless they go noisey or microphonic]. The nos triple mica sylvania 5751's as well as the rca triple mica black plates can have a profound impact on the resolution and bass drive in the CJ amplifiers.
Do you still own these amps? I am breaking in these amps which I just purchased with new tubes from CJ. I am not very happy yet with the sound as they need to break in! What pre amp and speakers have you chosen with these monos?
When I had my 8's, I used a CAT-3--(10 tubes in that). Just before tuning my estate to my local DWP--- or my tube supplier---I sold the big-8's.--Now use CJ's 350 ss amp and may not have to go under. (I listened way more than some !!)
---Which made it costly.-- I could use up 3000 hrs in a week, and I never exaggerate.