Help finding used SS with unity gain, $1K - $1.5K

I'm looking for suggestions on something nice in a SS preamp in the listed price range. It must have a unity gain output and a good phono stage; also, dual outputs to the power amp are desired, but not critical. Same for remote.

To help in the recommendations, I am currently using a Bedini 866 into an 803 amp. For those of you who are not familiar with this preamp, it gives me a natural, but not warm or soft, musical reproduction, with great extension in the high end, a fine natural midrange, and very good low end. It does not project a tremendously wide soundstage (in that regard I think it could be better), but does have good depth. It produces a very good sense of space around the instruments or voices... produces a very good "the music is in the room" quality without being forward or etched. Detail retrieval is very good (but maybe not great).

What I'm looking for is a used preamp with the desired qualities, that has a similar musical character - but hopefully can better it to some degree. I do not want a tube preamp. While I love what many tube preamps can do, one thing I do not want to do is get into the endless maze of tube rolling. Picking interconnects is bad enough! I'm looking for a natural sound with clarity and extension in both the upper and lower end, but not to a point of being the sort of neutral that quickly translates into "cool" and uninvolving.

Oh, I also will be keeping my Bedini amp, so anyone who knows of a match to it with a great used preamp is welcome to join in!
John, and integrated might not be a bad idea. I could use the on board channels to power the rears. Thanks for that suggestion.

Steakster, do you not feel the need to go into that tube rolling circus? I have a couple of friends with tube preamps and / or amps, and it seems they spend a lot of their time like Indiana Jones, searching for some magical NOS or used tube from 40 years ago to bring out the best in their gear. I fear I would fall into the same camp, although I will readily admit to loving the sound of a great, clean, tube preamp. Not a CJ style sound of old, but more like a Quicksilver.
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I have to admit having fond memories of that Quicksilver (it belongs to a friend who I have sinced moved away from). How would would describe the sound of your Eclipse? What other equipment do you have with it?