Krell KRC-3 Questions

Couple of questions for any KRC-3 owners out there: 1) do you leave your KRC-3 on all the time? and 2) can you recommend a cd player with balanced ouptuts (I am prepared to look at new mid price and used high end). System is KRC-3, KAV250a with Celestion A3's, Kimber PBJ interconnect for pre-amp to amp (need to upgrade - any ideas?) and Van den hul cs122 speaker cable ( bi-wired). At present using an old Cyrus CD6 as source and I must say sound fabulous but clearly source is weak link.

thank you

i owned a krc-3 for ~8 years & was sad to let it go recently. It's a very good pre-amp. I found it to be quite nuetral, letting source components sound, well, the way they sound ... good or bad.

i left mine on all the time, except for when i knew i would not be listening to it for extended periods of time. i shut my whole system down. as u know, the krc-3 doesn't come with a power on/off button so i think krell designed it to be left on all the time. i found it sounded its best, like the krell amplifier i also owned, after they'd been "cooking" for some time, at least 24 hrs. it runs hot so leave lots of room around it.

the krc-3 sounded its best when connected with balanced cables to the amplifier. i used MITs.

good luck.

IMO, used Krell KAV300 CD would be a nice match. You have to get rid of those horrible ICs and speaker cables though !

Get an used pair Cardas Golden Reference ICs (400$ on AudiogoN) and some decent speaker cables (like AudioQuest CV-6).

And yes, I leave my KRC-3 on all the time.
Hi Paul, I have owned the KRC-3 and the KRC-HR before. Just one point. The KRC-3 sounds better with the gain on. I agree with Elberoth2. You need better interconnects and speaker cables.

What is your opinions about the sonic difference between the KRC-3 vs. KRC-HR?
