Conrad Johnson's Sonographe SA-250 or the SA-400?

Both of these amps unlike the MF series are Bipolar design rather than Mosfet. Although the Sonographe products are considered entry level for Conrad Johnson, there is nothing entry level about the sound quality or build quality! In fact I prefer the Sonographe sound to the MF series, maybe because I prefer the Bipolar sound now. Anyway I have owned more amps than allowable by law so when I first aquired an SA-250 I was immediately struck by the level of sound quality that it possesed. In fact this was exactly what I was looking for. This was an amp I could live with for a long time. From what I've gathered, the SA-250 was rated a Stereophile class B component, does anyone pay any attention to these ratings? Eventually I wanted more power & purchased the SA-400. Called CJ and they told me the sound of the SA-400 was identical to the SA-250 but with more power. I can now confirm this to be true. Conrad Johnson products are an excellent investment & the Sonograhe line is no different. Don't hesitate to give these amps a try, as they are major bargains on the used market.
help someone?

the red 'on/ warming up light" is always ON.
no more green, yet it seems to be working well.

Coffeey is 100% correct, there is no red warmup light that turns green on the SA-250 or SA-400. Both amps power on instantly and the light is red only.
do any of you sonographe heads out there have preamp recommendations to mate with the sa-250 and a pair of thiel cs1.5 speakers?

right now I am using the wonderful Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 but I am curious to know if a CJ pre or a solid state Sonographe pre would be better. I don't know if a SS CJ pre would be more warm than the SF hybrid tube pre as SF always made very neutral gear. I am looking to emphasize the warmth and transparency of the SA-250 I have. Since my Thiel's are about as neutral as they come I don't think that many pres/amps will be able to fully take that character away from them.