BAT vs. Mcintosh?

I currently own a VK-60 amp that I absolutely love but have often been intrigued by Mcintosh products. I will be able to spend about two thousand dollars on my next upgrade & have always considered purchasing another VK-60 but don't really have the room to run two of these massive amps based on the size of my listening area. Would I be better off trying a Mcintosh product, maybe a MA6500 or one of their other amps? I realize my VR4 jr's could use some more power which is why I'm considering the switch to a big Mcintosh solid state. I listen to clasic rock exclusively.
I guess we can officially consider this thread jacked... ;)

I've not had the chance to audition any Bel Canto gear, but the Proac pairing would seem a little different given the relatively low sensitivity of the 2.5s. Just goes to show you, synergy is the cat's meow.

While I would like to make some hardware changes to my system, I really am enamored with the all BAT system, as is my wife. As I've written in a number of other posts here, she is a fairly serious enthusiast as well. Unfortunately, she also becomes emotionally attached to stuff (thankfully, or I might well be single.) That makes it more difficult for me to suddenly decide I need a different preamp or source component. Maybe one of these days...

The tube rolling has been in progress for a while now. In my travels, I've decided that a pair of Tung Sol 5881s in the 5i, and a pair of RCA red base 5692s in the 'critical' positions of the 60 are keepers.

Several iterations of lesser 6922s and their variants have proven lackluster in their respective units, but I have my eye on some Amperex PQ 7308s for the D5 and 5i that I hope will end my search (I'll probably have to sell some blood to complete the transaction.) In the coming weeks, I hope to obtain the last piece of the puzzle; some 40's Sylvania 6SN7 GTs for the remainder of the positions in the 60. I haven't had the chance to play around with 6SN7s much, so I'm kind of anxious to see how the Sylvanias work out.

At that point, I hope I'll be able to listen for a while before I decide to change anything else! I know my wife probably has similar hopes...
Yeah, I love the 6SN7 tube. I've been using a 6SN7 based Blue Circle BC21 for quite a while which I even preferred to a BAT VK3i I once owned. What I seem to like is what deHavilland Audio calls the "big tone" sound of the 6SN7.

I was a bit apprehensive about a loss of this characteristic when I bought an eXemplar Exception II a couple weeks ago. I was surprised to find this preamp also exhibits the expansive and full-bodied sound of the BC21.

In my experience 6922s by in large create a huge soundstage, but lack the full bodied midrange presentation of the 6SN7. It seems the VK60 will help create the big tone sound with its 6SN7s. My favorite versions of this tube are all from the WWII era. Sylvania, RCA, Ken-Rad, etc.

I can completely understand your wife's attachment to certain pieces. I don't plan to sell my Blue Circle preamp. I like that little guy.
Within the last two months I have went from a Mcintosh mc352 to a Bat 75se. Not to dog on the 352 but the 75se left the 352 in the dust on EVERYTHING but power. Here`s a thought sell the vk60 for around 1800 add your 2000 upgrade savings add 400 and your at a used 75se, you wont reget it. David