VAC Signature 2a Preamp Question

Before you say, "Dude, there's already a thread posted about this question!" Well, forgive me, I could not find it. This is an inquiry for Signature 2a owners who have the built-in MC/MM phono stage: When the selector is on #6, which is the turntable, I get a background hum and some of what is probably tube rush, and it's especially audible with no music playing with the volume up. When I switch to the DAC setting, with the same volume setting, everything is dead quiet. Do I have a problem or is this normal?

Your feedback is welcome and appreciated,
Ag insider logo xs@2xalonski
Did you connect the ground wire from your interconnect running from the tonearm to the preamp chassis?
Thanks for responding. Yes, it's grounded and I checked the connection. It's good.

Any other potential culprits you can think of?
It could be a few different things, but I think the most likely cause would be that you have too much gain on your phono section. If you're using a high output MC cartridge, you need to use the MM setting. Its a common mistake. Other than that, you really need to list your entire system.