Looking to start over. How do you think this sound

I am selling everthing I own and moving into an apartment(no not divorced, she is just going home). I am trying to take advantage of this situation to condense my system while moving up in sound. How would this be for a system
Jeff Rowland Concerto intergrated
Nottingham Interspace TT (presently own)
Audience speaker cables
no idea for digital source but, will be on a budget after some of the other purchase
Will continue to use Revel M20 or Mythos One's For the next year or so till I move again (apartment)Then would like to move to the Revel Gems or Wilson Cubs. Any sugestion or pointers would be appreciated.
How much do you want to spend on a digital source? New or used? What kind of music do you usually listen to? These are some of the relevant questions. Good Luck!
Well Seejungle,

I did exactly the same thing a year ago. I needed something to integrate my ht/ 2 channel. I went with the Rowland. It really is a no brainer. I leave it on, it uses almost no electricity, and i plug tv/dvd/sat into it. For me all the cables and different boxes was too much of a hassle. I am very satisfied. Check out my system.
I figure I can't go wrong if I go with Rowland. I am in love with my TT. For digital I plan not to spend more than $1000, new or used.