Amperex PQ 6922 vs Amperex PQ 7308

I've read the Joe's Tube Lore re: 6922.There was NO mention of PQ 7308.Will these still be the same performers,or is one superior to the other.Thanks!!
Sir speedy, The premise that I use for the PQ being better than the Ediswan is both the placement of that tube in "Joe's Tube Lure"- (the order looks like average to best) and what Andy of Vintage Tube Services indicated on his website-(go to Inventory List, than "6DJ8-6922-7308"- read what he said in that descriptive boxed area heading.) I've never actually heard an Ediswan tube, so I'm going by my interpretation of what the experts have said. Also, in your 3/1 post, you did ask if you were wasting your time persuing a good set of PQ's. I'm sure that your Ediswan tubes sound good. But... I feel that a GOOD set of PQ's will sound better. Best! Stan
Sirspeedy.. Ediswan did not munfacture tubes. They are an English company that rebrands tubes sourced from many tube manufacturers and suppliers. I have a quad of ecc88's branded ediswan that are actually late 70's seimens. I also have Ediswann branded ecc 82's, ecc802's, ecc83's ecc808's and others. Some are Mullard made,some Brimar made, some eastern block german RFT's,some holland made etc,etc. The good thing here is your Ediswan tubes are non microphonic low noise preamp grade tubes. That said....chances are that any nos PQ labelled Amperex 7308 [white label, orange label, US manufacture or Holland maufactured tube should handily better your Ediswan labelled 6dj8's if they are non microphonic low noise equivalents. The early Holland made white labell ecc88's {both D-getter and O-getter versions} should walk all over your ediswans in every which way. Quiet examples of these tubes tubes are in a whole higher order than most any tube of it's type ever produced. Warm,smooth,great bass resolution with an airy soundstage akin to the hideously expensive siemen and telie CCA's. You haven't mentioned the Phono stage or catridge you are using and most modern phono stages are voiced with currently manufactured tubes so your mileage may vary with your choice of nos tubes. In my experience... Most any brand of pre 70's ecc88 family of tube will step all over any tube manufactured after 1980 regarless of manufacture. Note: Ediswan relabelled and reboxed sovtek 6922's as well as the 6h23ev. These are not the same tubes even though they were manufactured in Russia. The 6h23ev's were manufactured strictly for the Soviet military and were never ever seen until the fall of the BIG RED Machine. Now, I suppose they can be called nos tubes....none the less, they are very good souding valves, very linear with tight triode sections, great bass and the quietest tubes in the 6dj8 family. Not to be confused and no resemblence to the glassy,glarey sounding Sovtek 6dj8/6922.
Talon4,andEcclectique.Thank you for your responses.The phonostage/pre is a Highly Modded(by GREAT NORTHERN SOUND),actually rebuilt at quite an expense,but worth every penny,Audio Res. SP-15.Three tubes in phonostage.I previously owned CJ,AR sp8,sp10,sp11.I know the preference in the hobby for ALL tube units,but,I FAR prefer the GNS modded Sp-15 to any of my previous units.

That being said I and a friend have almost exact systems,his Kharma based,mine Avalon based.(modded SP-15's as well).We have tube rolled everything from dreck to overpriced DRECK(TELE cc a's here).The tubes that have so far come out on top are the EDISWAN(steel pin) and MULLARD gold pinn.I am aware that my Ediswans are British Mullards.These tubes were sold to me by Kevin Deal.From his Ultra low noise"secret stash",which can no longer be purchased unless you buy a major component from him.I have 6 in total.

The only way I will make a comment on a particular tube is from actually hearing it in either my own,or my friend's set-up.I know that you have meant well,but to make a recommendation based upon a reviewer's comments is like recommending a record from someone's Super Disc List.Would you recommend a speaker system,having NOT heard it,based upon a reviewer's opinions.They are JUST HOBBYISTS like all of us!!It is unreliable to recommend when not familiar,first hand.!!Please don't think I'm being rude I just feel that the ONLY info that is reliable is FIRST HAND LISTENING.Seems to me that this Joe's Tube Lore article(that I loved BTW)is like HP's Super Disc List,driving up prices on stuff that is only his opinion(in a CD based set-up,no less),highly specious.

I have also auditioned,and own a set(3)7308 Amperex non PQ.These are wonderful sounding,but the Ediswans I own are as rich in tonal balance and more dynamic,so as of now they are TOP DOG,for me.Next week I'll listen to the elusive Amperex White labe PQ 6922,in my friend's set-up.We'll compare these to the Mullard's he has(which trounced the Overpriced,3 different set's he bought
Thanks for the well meant intentions!!
Since I messed up my last post,due to a time constraint,let me add missing info.The 3 seperate sets of tubes we compared in my friend's set up,recently,were all CCA TELE,very low noise.The Mullards he has were richer,better stage,smoother.Maybe a drop less dynamic,but really killed the OVERPRICED musicality.The only tubes we haven't tried are the Siemens.Supposedly very good,but the debate for him and me,ends this coming Friday,with the "Great Amperex vs Mullard/Ediswan Shootout".Maybe better stuff out there(actually,most likely there is),but the search will end on the 11th of March,for us.This stuff is getting too hard to find,and getting where you have a hard time really being sure of the sellers,of vintage tubes.We've been lucky,so far.BTW-we both have Transfiguration Temper-v(low output)cartridges.I'll follow up,but remember,it is only going to be the opinion of a couple(3)listeners.

In no way do any of us proclaim to be the "Last Word"here.Just a couple of passionate MUSIC lovers.Also,the systems that tubes are employed in,will obviously affect the perceived sound,so this is meaningless,other than curiosity,to all but me,and my pal's set-up!!

Oh,yea.Forgot to mention that we'll be sharing a good quantity of some Merlot during the 4 or 5 hour listening session,so,when I post any results they will probably be meaningless anyway,but I'll sure have a "Good Time"!!

Have a nice weekend,all!
Sirspeedy. Well said sir. Your experience with ARC phono stages mirror mine with the ARC gear. It's great to find a particular tube type that fits the bill and I concurr with your assessment of the mullards. Throughout the years with the arc sp-3a and sp-6, my preference with those 12ax7 based preamps was unilaterally with siemens 12ax7's and with the 8 and [particularly] the 10 it was unilaterally the early seimen e88cc's. Arc gear just seem to love the seimen tubes. Interesting though that the my first 2 tubes in the phono of my sp-10 are also Mullards due to their dead quiet noise characteristics. You may want to give the early seimens a go though. They are certainly my favorites in the phono of the sp-10. Best of luck