
Discussions talon4 has started

Pass Labs XP-10 & XP-20 preamps3470942
Want to buy an Audio Dharma cable cooker675614
WBT-210 NextGen RCA female gold vs silver ?41824
Best jazz or blues female vocalist ever660929
Vacuum tubed tone control???1631534
Impressions of the Atma-sphere MP1 mark3 preamp28151
What is the voltage at your receptacle?89499
Wadia 861se with GNS vs Esoteric or Emm players1569028
Pass Labs 350.5 or 600.5 owners--breakin time.....84279
Conrad Johnson Primier 16ls1 vs 16ls2 owners...1245616
Best CD player for under $6000 used?778616
star grounding question...707620
2002 Warner/Rhino-Original Black Sabbath 1970-197819782
Balanced amp for Bat vk5i...585310
Early Beatles album question--48508