Amperex PQ 6922 vs Amperex PQ 7308

I've read the Joe's Tube Lore re: 6922.There was NO mention of PQ 7308.Will these still be the same performers,or is one superior to the other.Thanks!!
Sirspeedy, You didn't mention that your Ediswan tubes were actually low noise Mullards until your 03/05/05 post. An "Ediswan tube" could have been any of several brands. Low noise Mullards are fine tubes indeed. That being said, I'm still curious, How did the "Great Amperex vs. Mullard/Ediswan shootout" turn out? Did the Amperex PQ's hold thier own against the low noise Mullards?
I was sworn to secrecy,because of the possibility of further price gauging,but I have a BIG mouth,so here goes.Joe's tube lore is RIGHT on the money.I am shocked at how accurately he described the differences.We tried quite a few tubes.The Ediswans I have are fabs,but the PQ 6922's SMOKED everything we thru at them.I have NO 6922 PQ"s and am SICK!!The Mullards,by the way,destroyed the FAMOUS diamond bottomed TELES!!That is the regular MULLARDS.As did the Ediswans.

I'm going to get yelled at by my audio-crew for posting this,but I did promise.
Sirspeedy, I'm currently running 4 sets of matched low noise 7308 Amperex PQ with shield--circa 1963 and 1964-- in my Bat vk5i preamp. These tubes were bought from "Sam"-here @ audiogon and from Brenden @ Tube World. They both also carry 6922 PQ's. My tubes are still going strong after 1 years use. I would buy tubes again from either of these people. Also, I had two sets of these tubes checked out by Andy @ vintage Tube Services, a year ago, when I first bought them. He rated them as excellent with no microphonics. He said that they're the real thing. Just a recommendation of tube sellers, in case you may want to buy some PQ's. Best, Stan