Speaker Cables for Sonus Faber Olympica III

Does anyone have any suggestions for speaker cables for Sonus Faber Olympica III? I've read some reviews online and it seems very difficult to purchase cables without auditioning, but this is my situation. I really want to bring out the best of the Olympica III's, the soundstage, midrange warmth, instrument/vocal placement, and overall seductiveness of the speakers. I own a Primaluna Dialgoue HP Integrated Tube Amp as well. I am looking to stay at $2,000 - $3,000 new or used. I've had recommendations from various dealers pushing mainly Transparent Audio cables or Nordsot cables, and have no idea who to believe or where to start. I am an audiophile newbie and building my system from scratch. Thanks for your help!
With a moderate power tube integrated I would lean toward Nordost. I tried using Harmonic Technology 9 gauge copper with an Almarro 318 integrated and the sound was slow and muffled. I switched to some Nordost Blue Heaven and things just bloomed and sounded right.
I do like HT Pro-9 with high-power solid state.

Use their lending library to audition cables. They will advise you based on your electronics and speakers.
After wasting time and money on cable purchases, I finally found the right speaker cables for my system using the Cable Company.

I highly recommend the Audience Au-24 or 24E as a cable that provides natural, open sonics. Of course, system dependent.
The Transparent cables are very nice, but once you get to the reference level or higher you must have them recalbrated for new equipment that they are installed on.
If you have a Nordost dealer close by, you should be able to audition cables from their demo box. Frey 2 will be in your price range. They sound great.
Hello Djfst. I happen to own the SF Olympica 3's also and love what they do for me and my system. I myself am running Kimber Kable Monocle XL's with them and I really have no complaints about the pairing. The Kimbers seem to have good synergy with the Olympica's.

With that being said,if I was in the market for new spealer cable my first stop would be the new Belden wire just hitting the market through Hanson Audio/Video.I have not actually listened to their new top of the line cables but from what I have read about them they would be my first go to cable upgrade. I really like the Kimbers but at some time I may just pull the trigger on the Belden's.

I believe they are right in your price range...Good luck and keep us posted...

Here is a post on the PS Audio forums about them if you are interested at all.

Link to the post...
