H2O Owner Survey ?

I've read a couple of estatic comments about Henry Ho's amps but I'm wondering how many people actually own them. I'm thinking of replacing my VAC PA 100. Let me know if you own an H2O amp and your experiences with it.

Eldartford, I hadn't known that. none of the amps I have owned carried schematics, and parts lists. Perhaps when Henry's amp venture matures?

I know Henry very well. I can absolutely say, without a doubt, Henry will service his amps to his dying days. He is just that kind of guy.
Muralman1...God forbid, but Henry could get run over by a truck. As I said, the schematic, and better still, a service manual, would eliminate the concern expressed by Loontoon.
A friend of mine who is a technician made a small repair to my H20's binding post and thought the amp was completely straight forward and a breeze if any repairs would be needed. He thought that the amp was very well put together and he's thinking of purchasing one for himself. He also thought that the price charged by Henry Ho was more than fair for the stereo amp based on the quality of parts used. Bob