H2O Owner Survey ?

I've read a couple of estatic comments about Henry Ho's amps but I'm wondering how many people actually own them. I'm thinking of replacing my VAC PA 100. Let me know if you own an H2O amp and your experiences with it.

A friend of mine who is a technician made a small repair to my H20's binding post and thought the amp was completely straight forward and a breeze if any repairs would be needed. He thought that the amp was very well put together and he's thinking of purchasing one for himself. He also thought that the price charged by Henry Ho was more than fair for the stereo amp based on the quality of parts used. Bob
I just got my signature mono's in last night. I am hooking them up right now and will keep you posted as to any conclusions I have. If they perform as well as everyone says then they will stay forever. Henry has been very nice to deal with to this point and very professional. I went ahead and purchased without hearing since I have the two week trial to return if I don't like them. How can you go wrong?

Although I must admit that the thought of buying an amp from a startup was somewhat scarry, but all of the big, well respected guys out there today were startups at some point. I mean, lets face it, I'm sure if you would have bought a pair of synergistic research cables when they first started out they would have sounded just as good and not cost $1000's. Now synergistic has to pay for advertising and has to pay the middle man too. This thought greatly put my mind at ease. Nothing ventured, nothing gained! You can pay $5500 now for this signature version or you can wait until the Stereophile "Class A" stamp is placed on them and pay $10,000.
I also was intrigued with this amp, so i ordered 1 pair of S250 to biamp my speakers, and guess what,Henry emailed me back that he has Signature S250 the difference is that the Signature S250 has a bigger toroidal trasformer making it a true dual design.