VTL 450 or Parasound JC-1

Im thinking of upgrading to VTL 450s or Parasoung JC-1s. Currently running Wadia 861, Supratek Chennin pre amp, Vandersteen 2CE Sigs, Kimber Bifocal XL spkr cable and Cardas Golden Cross interconect. Room is 15x31 with system on long wall. Is the Parasound in the same league as the VTLs? Ive heard the VTLs and love them but I cant help but wonder with the price being almost half with the JC-1s. Any input will be much appreciated.

Have bit heard either amp but in my experience tubes and solid state always sound like tubes and solid state no matter how good so purchase accordingly if you can not listen to them.
I agree with Sdcampbell, upgrade the speakers. The 2ce's will not allow that much of an improvement to come through with the better amps. They are not nearly as defined as the 3a Sigs. I just feel you would be wasting money throwing that kind of amp at the 2ce's.
My vote goes for the VTL's by the way. I never really warmed up to the JC-1's. I can't exactly put my finger on it but they sounded a little wrong to me. Music didn't seem to have that real naturalness and/or the soundstage depth seemed slightly shy.
I currently use an Ayre V5x which, while not offering the slam of the JC-1(which I don't need with the subs) nor the brute strength(which to me is the JC-1's forte), gives the presentation a more natural feeling (refined like a tube amp.) I personally think it has to do with the negative feedback in the JC-1 vs the zero feedback Ayre. I think it is in the way both amps handle phase and timing issues. However, for the money, the JC-1 offers a lot and I can see people liking it. I just don't think it is the best choice for Vandersteen's IMO.
At any rate, I use the 3A Sigs and 2Wq's. It offers a large advantage of the 2Ce's. When I was contemplating the switch from the 2Ce Sigs, Vandersteen himself convinced me the 3A Sigs were the way to go before any other changes.
Also have to agree with EJLIF. I also owned a pair of JC-1's, and while they were the best solid state amps I have ever personally owned, they still did not offer that last degree of "there-ness" that I was able to get with ASL Hurricanes.

Really does depend on what your ultimately trying to achieve, what type of music you listen to, room, ancillaries, etc.

Having said that, I hate to generalize and oversimplify, but as you (Braro) said in your post that "I heard the VTL's and loved them.." I personally would stick in the tube camp, - OR - if you go with the JC-1's, at least incorprate a nice tube preamp with it.
My 450s are an 01 model and they are the 450 signatures, I don't know about the other upgrades you mentioned. If I was to keep these I would probably see about getting all the updates done. I am running them as well as the JC-1s unbalanced from the CJ 17.

I would like to know how the 450s compare to the Hurricanes and the CJ premiere 140, those would be some other amps to consider as well.
haven't heard the 450's and although i own a pair of JC-1s
which have given me much satisfaction,i also believe as others have stated that you should probably lean towards your preference for tube amps.
the JC-1s seem to favor balanced SS preamps and your Supratek may or may not give you the ideal synergy.
also it is my belief that the amp should be chosen in accordance with your speakers strengths,weaknesses and requirements.in this case both options appear as overkill.