Whats a good matching preamp for Threshold S/300?

Looking for a good match tubed preamp for my Threshold S/300 stasis.
What Im using now sounds very good but Im looking for recommendations for the best synergy preamp <$1000 used.
A volume remote is a huge plus.
I have often heard that Threshold and Audio Research matched well together. It must be an input-output impedance thing. Try researching both of these products starting with the SP11.
David99 If you end up getting the Sp11 ,I still have a NOS set of tubes for it.They have a few hours in them but you can have them if you wish...3 for the line stage and 3 for the phono section
Thanks all,I like the recommendations for Audio Research.
I have considered these as a possiblility myself.
I like the build quality and looks of Audio Research products.I've never heard one though.
I wish I could afford the SP-11 but it's too far out of my reach.
The SP-9 II is more in line with my budget.
Can anyone comment on the sound quality/performance of the SP-9 II ?

Thorman,thank you for the kind offer.
Yah! I had them both.Two different worlds.My spin on them is the 9mk2 is dry and analytical and my taste told me to get something more "earthy" sounding. At that point I purchased the sp11 and kept it for many years. If you like the sound of tubes,you may be unhappy with the Hybrid sp9mk2.
How about the Audible Ilussiion tube preamp? Should be in your price range...Or maybe a older Conrad Johnson preamp... Hope all this helps. It really depends on what type of sound you like. This really will direct you in the right direction!