Looking for a new band?

Well, I am. I recently discovered Starflyer 59. I was in a local record store browsing through the bins when I realized my legs were moving to the music, I asked the cashier who was playing? "Starflyer 59", he said. When I returned home, I order everything I could find on vinyl. Boy, I'm glad I did. After listening to this great band I thought that they somewhat reminded me of another band I was turned on to by a fellow A'gonner. Afgan Whigs. To me, there is a similarity here. Pay it forward.
Slaw - Thanks for posting. I will check out SF59 later this evening. I like the description I read of Jason Martin's influences.

Sorry no new band for you. The only thing I've got (and he ain't new, but new to me) is Solomon Burke.
Hey Slaw - likin' SF59...just played "I Drive A Lot". It reminded me of stuff by Ivy...check out "Edge of the Ocean". You can her/them on YouTube. Same sweet pop vibe. Maybe they will be new to you.
If you all are looking for new bands try feedbands.com. I'm trying the service right now and so far the first 2 vinyl albums sent my way were pretty good. The vinyl the albums were pressed on were also very good quality.
I agree about Feedbands. I am also a member and so far the (3) LPs that I have received are quite good.