Rhodium vs Gold AC connectors

Hi dear fellows.Does anybody tried these type of connectors in power cords?In my case I don`t know which could be the differences in sound performances between them.I heard that rhodium connectors have more extended hights frequences , more airy and fluid than gold connectors, but also that they can produce a non-lively sound, with too much control.Regarding Gold connectors I red that they produce a warmer sound, specially in the mids, but with not so much detail as rhodium.Is it true?I will appreciate your comments to make a proper decision.Thanks in advance!Raf
Bol, you have a long equipment list with some expensive gear in their. The BMC Arcadia's are a good example & look impressive. Why such a myriad list of gear? I'm kind of going in the opposite direction & trying to reduce my box count,
I think the Furutech is a little warmer. But....to all other parts the F1/M1 outperforms the Furutech connectors.

I would never choose for a speaker with low freq bass units on the side. For example: about 5 weeks ago I auditioned the Rockport Aquila. When we played Jacintha: I'm in the mood for love I got irritated by the double bass. During the solo you could hear that when he got to the lower region of the bass the physical focus got blury. Beside this you often get more acoustic limitations.

I don't use Myriad. Soon my Onkyo 5509 will be modified. We will do the same modification like this oen:


The 5509 is superior to the 5530. We also will change the chips and some electronic parts. I goes even further than this one. 4 weeks ago we did a shootout against the Audio Research Ref5SE. We were amazef how much more details the Onkyo with my way of Pro measurment has. The level of blacks was also superior. The stage was a lot deeper and wider. Instruments and voices were also more physical. The articulation of voices was also superior with the 5509.

I already outperformed my old Pass XP-20 with ease. Desmond from Pass Labs know's the whole story. This week he send me an email that he probable will buy a 5509 as well to test.

Audio is always about the best. What gives the best endresults. With my X350.5 I can outperform the XP-20 with ease with the 5509.

Without my pro measurement it is useless. That is why we will use highend parts to get an even higher result. I even think i can outperform pre amps of above 30.000 dollar. I will find some highend pre amps to proof that I a m right. Because audio is all about facts and proof.

In about 4 weeks I will recieve a modified 5509. I will put my Pro measurement on it so I can compare it against mine.

In the last weeks I have had many people visiting my house. I think we will have a new statement in sound. I want to prrof this. Now it are words overhere, but I will proof with sound that it is exactly as I wrote here.
Melbguy1 and Bo1972, I said I was going to E-mail Chris venhaus at vh-audio about wall plug's, here is his quick response, quote-
Chris Venhaus

In my experience, the FI-50 is the better connector. Pure copper is much more conductive than Beryllium copper. Don’t get me wrong, the M1/F1 combo is very nice, but for natural presentation and superb micro/macro dynamics, I prefer the FI-50. In fact, I’d take the FI-28 IEC over the F1. That said, I can see where the M1/F1 might be very synergistic for some people’s systems, and as is the case with many parts/components in this hobby- everyone’s opinion can be different, and also be correct ;-)

I just think the FI-50 offers a bit better value, as well.

Best regards,

Chris VenHaus

VH Audio, Inc: www.vhaudio.com

V-Cap: www.v-cap.com

Bo1972, which furutech FI-50M did you have, Gold or the Rhodium?, this make's a substantial difference.