Which of These Budget SS Preamps?

Hi all,
I am trying to help my friend find a good solid-state budget preamp. His system consists of a Parasound HCA-3500 power amp, Sony SCD-XA9000ES CD/SACD player, Paradigm Reference Studio 100v.2 speakers, and Signal Cable speaker cables, interconnects, and power cords.
Above all, he wants outstanding top-end extension, transparency, outstanding detail, speed, focus, and great bass.
I do not know anything about budget preamps.
His current list consists of:
Adcom GFP-750
Marsh P2000B
Parasound Halo P-3
Parasound P/LD-2000
PS Audio
Rotel RC-1090
Which of the above would best fit the above criteria that I named?
To those who have compared some of these preamps to one another, what are the sonic differences between them?
Thank you all so much for your help!
The only one I have heard is the Rotel. It would be an OK match with the Paradigms. Be careful as the Paradigms can be very bright, if not harsh with the wrong components. I use to own the Studio 40's and really only liked them when I had tube equipment driving them. Good luck.
The only one of those on your list I've owned is the Parasound P/LD 2000 and it's a fine preamp but one I like better is the McCormack TLC-1. It's a beautifully built piece of gear that completely got out of the way of the music in my system. They can often be found for around $350, a real bargain, and can be upgraded by SMCaudio if you like.
Luminous Audio Axiom preamp <150.00. Best pre for the money. Passive and only one input.
For what he is looking for the Adcom GFP-750 is really quite good - if I recall correctly it was designed by Nelson Pass. It should fit the sonic characteristics you say he is looking for. Good luck.