quicksilver amps and preamps any thoughts ??

any input on theses items, they look nice, am curious to the sound and reliability, thanks. Any comparisons to other equipment etc.
Ag insider logo xs@2xsuperhonestben

Does anyone know what brand of signal capacitors Quicksilver usually use inside their amps?

WOW all of these EXPERT evaluations on the Quickie stuff.
Gee what in the heck do i know...NOTHING at all ???????
Gee all this talk about caps and this and that and 8417's and Mini Mites and V-4's and yada yada yada ...Gee this is scary i am totally intimidated.
Don't worry about what caps are used in the quickie TRIODES leave that up to the guy who created the most magnificent amps in the world...ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just lesten to the music and do not worry about what siginal capacitors are used!!!!!!!!!!!!
My response is two fold, Jordi, your sanctamonious attitude that you are spraying on this and another thread....is well er um scary. I own Khorns and think they are terrific, are they the 'Best" don't know, don't care...do know they are something special, and I had the good fortune of them being signed by PWK. SO many things may come and go in my hifi world...they ain't going nowhere.

The reason I started this post was because quite frankly, I can't seem to find a local dealer who displays this line with authority, much less stock any of it. So i appreciate all the responses from those who have heard it or own it.
I should be able to get some impressions from a dealer but they really don't have it. It has turned into one of my big frustrations with Hi end audio, which i posted on another thread.....the light display...no stock syndrome.

So audiogon seems to be the place to exhange ideas and thoughts...and to me all ideas and questions are welcome....we all hear what we hear...What you may think is great, I might not let my dog listen to and vice versa...and I have heard a fair amount of gear in my day...in my home not just the stores.

So I think we all need to accept all the input....

Now if some of these hi end lines would work with their dealers to get the gear on display a plenty and some in stock.. I could hear for myself.