Anyone heard the Aronov LS9100 monoblocks?

Hi. I was considering an amp upgrade, and wanted to give a high-quality tube amp a try. I listen mostly to jazz and orchestra. On my short list is the Premier 11a from Conrad-Johnson and the BAT VK-60. I have seen several Aronov LS9100's come up recently, but I can't find much, if anything about these monoblocks. They seem to be well priced for their power (110wpc) but I was wondering what the sound was like? I will be trading up from a McCormack DNA-125 (a bit too grunty for my tastes-looking for something a bit smoother and more musical).

Has anyone heard the Aronov's? I am running Soliloquy 6.3 speakers and an Eastern Electric Minimax preamp. Hoping for at least some feedback on these amps-thanks!
feature about the amps, biasing of tubes is not required, it's automatic. I used them for the weekend and they sounded good with the 6.3, however I passed on the amps, mainly for economic and esthetic reasons. As you can see from prices on Audiogon they depreciate horribly, even the dealer dropped 25% from the list price. Also I didn't care for the looks of the amps, I prefer tube amps with the tubes exposed, this may not bother you.
How would you say that they compared sonically with some other tube amps in this price range (used)? Was the sound accurate with nice frequency extension, or was it overly tubey? I was thinking of paying around $1600 for a set of these Monos-a good value? Or, should I keep my eye on the BAT VK-60?
Chiho, The Aronov "house sound" is very natural, together with excellent extension, most uniqely impressive for tube amps is the bass extension, and control. On a variety of speakers, including Spendor monitors, Duntech monitors, Platinum Audio (gone, but not forgotten) monitors, Clements RT-7 floor-standing big boys (transmission line bass/ribbon tweeter), plus others, there is a realistic, and musical presentation which sounds as if the singer(s) or musician(s) visit the listening room.
I had to choose the more space-saving Aronov LS-960I, but my time with borrowed Aronov monoblocks was a great experience. By the way, the smaller integrated is terrific, although the monoblocks are more awe-inspiring.
Aronov is not "tubey", but you will hear the tube musicality without the transistor "grunt" you mention.