The best passive preamp

How good is one of the best passive preamp, how the transistor based bent audio or the placette or the swiss made Audio Consultant, or audio teknè, in comparision with the very best active line stage? beside the costs, is a pure quality question, for me.
Do you anticipate Joe will try an AVC/TVC as an alternative to using resistors?
You mean Jack? No, he is happy with his design and an AVC or TVC wouldn't work with it as the attenuator. It has to be a 10k pot, series, or ladder attenuator. When I built my AVC using the Slagle autoformers he was curious about them (for reasons I can't mention), but not enough to make him consider changing his design. Jack could easily whip up a few autoformers though if he had reason too. Plenty of resources to do it.