McCormack Silver vs. Gold revision for DNA-125?

Has anyone heard the DNA-125 with the Silver revision as opposed to the Gold revision? If so, what is the improvement? How about the silver revision over the stock unit? My DNA-125 (stock) is quite nice, but a little grainy and grunty, not exactly liquid. I am considering the Silver revision (at a cost of $800), hoping that this will clean things up. How much of a difference will this make, and how much better is the Gold revision? It is 2x the price: is it 2x the sound?

Basically, if I get the silver revision, I will be into my DNA-125 for about $1550 (I purchased the stock one used).
Not sure about silver v. gold, but I can tell you that my DNA-0.5 Rev A+ was an exceptional amplifier.
I cannot speak to the Silver or Gold revisions, but others speak glowingly of them. I can tell you that I very recently had my DNA-225 upgraded to Platinum status and the results are absolutely mind-blowing. It is one of the finest amps I've ever heard, in or out of my system. Review coming soon.
Not sure about the silver or gold, but I replaced my DNA-2 LAE (limited anniversary edition) amp with DNA-2 Revision A (one step behind the gold).

The DNA-2 Rev. A amp is easily the finest I've heard. I've owned it for almost 2.5 years now and after previously owning about 6 other amps, I still have no desire to upgrade this amp. Unless perhaps it were to a Gold or Platinum version.