What can you tell me about First Sound pre-amps?

Only recently have heard about these pre-amps. Are they as good as they are made out to be? Is the least expensive model as good as say a R0land Synergy? I live in Seattle and have never heard of this pre-amp so any information would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance, Jerry.
OK, I am catching up with this thread after reading the last 51 of 83 responses. Forgive me if I am asking Mphnkns something that has already been covered: Have you explored the power source issue, and specifically the outlets (receptacles) that the FS is plugged into? I had the PS Audio outlets/receptacles and they seemed overlay a kind of glare that might fit into the same band width and quality on brass that you refer to. I installed the current FIM outlets, and bingo, glare gone.

If you happen to be using a power conditioner, try not using one at all and see what happens. Again, sorry if this has already been covered.

Also if you have acrylic shelves, that could possibly also create a similar, brassy sheen effect. I have taken to putting a board of 5/8 MDF and Aurios bearings between the acrylic shelves of my Arcici Suspense Rack and the FS main unit: (from bottom up) shelf, MDF, Aurios, FS. Big help in creating more focus and calming down a slightly splashy quality on crescendos. I do the same under the CDP.

On the Paramount Plus score, I happen to have recently upgraded my 4.0 model to the 4.0 w. Paramount Plus upgrade and I couldn't be happier. It's not the full-on Paramount Plus model, just the 4.O w P Plus upgrade. Very worth while. The noise floor is lower yet and the sense of transparency is increased. Bass pitch definition is also improved, and dynamic control on large dynamic swings is better. The subtle shadings or gradations in intensity of a singer, a concerto soloist, a chorus, etc seem to come through with greater clarity and, dare I say it, musical meaning.

System: VPI TNT 3.5/SME V/Benz LP/Luckenk PP1; Ayre CX-7 CDP; FS pre'; Cary SLAM-100 monos in triode mode; Coincident Super Eclipse; Audience Au24 throughout, Silent Source power cords throughout. Arcici rack, two dedicated 20-amp AC lines; FIM outlets; room = 12.5 x 17
It must come as no surprise, but my system is in flux again.

I sold the First Sound, and may end up with the FS Paramount - but not 100% certain. I am using this oppty to revisit tubed linestages. Part of the deal is my new source, and the wiring upgrade on my Berning amp have exposed the limitations of the Presence Deluxe MK II. I need more transparency, a quieter background, and even more dynamic impact. As such, i'm about to go into serious debt, since we all know that you need to spend stupid $$ to significantly better the FS PDII.

Anyway, to help fund said upgrade, i've been selling someother stuff. power conditioner, power cords, and Im thinking about selling the 1960 Amperex "Pinched Waist" 6922's that I spent a small fortune to acquire (ok, I'll come out and say it - embarassingly, I spent $500 for the new set, which might have 100 hrs total on them).

If any of you are interested in this ULTIMATE tube for the FS, email me an offer. If not, i doubt I'll post a classified since tube selling is such a hassle. I would just keep them around in case I ever need another reference 6922.....
Interesting, Art. You have the disease pretty bad I see. :-)

What caused you to reach the conclusion that the FS was a "problem" in your system?

Is it possible to get more transparency and a quieter background? I have had only brief exposure to the Audio Aero, but I wonder if you didn't give up a little of those qualities when you changed sources. Does it have a vairable out? Can you go direct to the Berning?

Anyway, for more than a year, I had both the FS and a Placette Active in my rack. Before you spend $10K on another tube linestage, you might want to see if you can try out the Placette, which sells new for about $4500. It may give you the qualities you seek, but you may miss some things as well.
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